Friday 23 June 2017

Let’s get back to basics of fat loss

If you go to a gym for weight loss, the common goal of many personal trainers becomes to help you with primarily with fat loss. Being a stepping stone for your weight loss journey, fat loss can improve your health which could be the most rewarding aspects of choosing this path. However, one can also be frustrated while working on fat loss turf if a training regime doesn't lead to the expected results. 

Without the addition of energy-expending exercise, daily incidental movement and muscle building sessions, there could be a slow fat loss or only mediocre reductions in fat mass due to reduction in calories. There are a couple of things which you need to work on simultaneously for fat loss. By working through the checklist of all those areas and emphasizing on the most important ones first, you can get right from the outset. 

Aerobic exercise

This one is a powerful weapon in the war against weight. Aerobic exercise not only consumes large amounts of energy during the session, it also helps to expend 30 to 40 per cent extra energy after the session. You may even be able to see an improvement in glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity for a few days after the training has finished as well. 

Resistance training

If you are already exercising daily, resistance training will take you to the next level. It involves use of resistance to muscular contraction to build the strength, anaerobic endurance and size of skeletal muscles. Try to perform two sessions a week in the weights room as this is an important component of the fat loss program. Don’t mistake that lifting weights only builds muscles but it also increases daily resting metabolic rate, improves insulin sensitivity and increases daily energy expenditure. This is how a typical two day per week, high volume resistance training program can help you to achieve fat loss.


Along with rigorous exercise regime, you need to keep up with your daily nutrition intake. Without addressing food intake and meal plans, a fat loss program is bound to fail. This is because most of us very conveniently consume more calories than we expend. It is important to understand what your meaning of healthy eating is, and how to make gradual adjustments to remove refined and processed carbohydrate sources, foods rich in calories and salt to replace them with low foods that contain fewer calories and fat burners that can make fat melt off your body like green tea or green coffee. The smarter your fat loss client is at adopting sensible nutritional habits, the better the results you will help them achieve.

Improving sleep

After a long day of keeping fit, you deserve good quality and quantity of sleep. This is another way to reach your fat loss goals. Sound, soothing sleep improves glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity so that you can begin the next day with fresh and energetic. It also lowers cortisol, increases growth hormone, and improves thyroid function and satiety hormones. Here are simple tips that will help you improve your quality of sleep:

• Aim for eight hours of sleep a night. If you are performing hard training, you can sleep for half an hour to one hour more. Even daytime naps of no longer than 20 minutes are allowable as anything more than that can disturb your night-time sleep.

• Set the circadian rhythm and go to bed at the same time each night and waking up at the same time each morning. The more consistent your sleep cycle, the better the results will be.

• Create an ideal sleeping environment. Try to keep your TV, fights, stress and worries outside the bedroom and sleep in pitch black with no light on. The darker the room and restricted from electronic gadgets, the better the results.

Once you have efficiently gulped the above elements of fat loss in your life, you can get a fair chance to be back in shape. Remember, calories must be expended daily with a mix of hard and not-so-hard methods. So on one hand if you are training extensively, try to use gentle ways to lose ways from sites like and support your weight loss program smartly. Finally, optimizing sleep habits by improving sleep duration and quality can help you reach your fat loss goals merrily. The better you embrace these habits, the more impressive the fat loss you may achieve!

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