Wednesday 12 July 2017

Don’t Think Of Food for Next Few Hours with a Plant-Based Diet

Sometimes we may not feel full even after having a meal. Don’t worry as this is normal. If you just eat leafy vegetables and fruit you may get hungry again after an hour or so. This hunger may subsequently lead you to leap on junk or food that is not healthy and easily accessible during that time. If you knew that you could stay satiated and lean on a plant-based diet, you wouldn’t have gained all the extra kilos by having junk. All you need to know is what types of plants you need to add.

Plant-Based Diet Basics

A plant-based diet does not mean you need to only spinach or other greens all day. These basically include great non-starchy greens which may not necessarily fill you up. To feel satiated, you can try incorporating starchy Plant-Based Foods. This is because all starches are carbohydrates and carbohydrates lead to long-term satiety, enduring for hours between meals, whereas the fats in a meal have little impact on satiety. Before you start worrying about getting fat by eating carbs, we’d like to clarify that not all carbs are equal. Refined and processed carbs like white bread are a threat. 

Moreover, processing and refining steps of refined carbs usually turn them into products stripped of nutrients (fiber, vitamins, and minerals) and loaded with salt, oils, sugars, dairy- derivitives, and chemicals. However, complex, natural, unprocessed sugars, made in nature by plants, contain fiber, vitamins, and phytochemicals which are all good for the body, reducing risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and obesity. Other than starch-based foods, you would also like to add nuts and seeds which are a great source of protein and can help you feel full. All these foods and nutrients which can keep you satisfied are called Appetite suppressant that you can use to eat less throughout the whole day. 

Below are few more sets of plant-based foods you can incorporate in your diet to help you feel full:

1. Grains

Out of the grains listed, quinoa deserves a mention. I love quinoa (don’t we all?) especially since it serves as complete protein for vegetarians and is relatively low in calories.  Quinoa has significantly greater amounts of both lysine and isoleucine, which allows the protein in quinoa to serve as a complete protein source, providing amino acids your body needs.
Examples: Wheat, barley, rye, corn, oats, millet, black rice, brown rice, purple rice, quinoa

2. Starchy Vegetables

Yeessss… I love my sweet potatoes, which is high in vitamin A and C, protecting cells and tissues from free radicals and oxidative damage which accelerates aging and causes diseases such as cancer. Boiling sweet potatoes has also been shown to have a more favorable impact on blood sugar regulation and to provide the plant with a lower glycemic index (GI) value. Check out our plethora of sweet potato recipes here.
Examples: Squashes, carrots, yams, parsnips, artichokes, potatoes, and sweet potatoes

3. Legumes

Beans are high in fiber, protein, and plethora of minerals that are good for your body. And yes, beans can curb your appetite.  A recent study reported that subjects were more satisfied with their diet when garbanzo beans were included, and they consumed fewer processed food snacks during test weeks in the study when garbanzo beans were consumed. They also consumed less food overall when the diet was supplemented with garbanzo beans.
Examples: Lentils, beans (black, green, kidney, pinto, navy, garbanzo), peas, peanuts

4. Nuts

Before you fret at the thought of eating fatty nuts, please note that most of the fats in nuts are good for your health. A study published in the International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders suggested that an almond-enriched low calorie diet (high in monounsaturated fats) can help overweight individuals shed pounds more effectively than a low calorie diet high in complex carbohydrates.
Example: Cashews, almonds, walnuts, pecans, pistachios, brazil nuts, macadamia nuts

5. Seeds

Yes, I have to mention our favorite superfood, chia seeds. Chia is the richest plant based source of omega 3, dietary fiber, protein, vitamin, and antioxidants.  It also contains a right ratio of amino acids and essential fats. Indigenous population in Central America would use chia to sustain their energy and blood sugar levels so that they could sometimes run over 100 miles in a few days! When you eat chia seeds, they will expand c. 3x original size and keep your stomach full, especially since the seeds absorb water and expand!
Example: Chia seeds, flax seeds

Just like these healthy nutrients, there are supplements which can help you to manage your excess hunger and cravings for unhealthy foods. You may find them on sites like Some of the supplements include herbal plant extracts which we just talked about and some contain prescribed appetite suppressors which can be used only after consulting your doctor. If you are trying to lose weight, follow a healthy diet, exercise plan and take herbal supplements to hit your weight loss target by not thinking about food often. 

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